What We Do

We have a strong focus on building high performing, resilient teams that harness diversity. We create new tools and learning solutions for sustainable progress on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Our Approach

We address individual mindsets, behaviours and organisational practices, cultures and policies through consulting, executive coaching and microlearning. We give leaders and teams the resources to thrive.

Our Mission

By 2030 we’ll give 1 million business leaders the tools, knowledge and education to lead high performing, diverse teams that solve pressing social and ecological problems.

Generate higher revenue by harnessing diversity

Attract the best talent

Reduce employee turnover

Create a culture of high
performance and employee engagement

Increase innovation and
service new markets

Improve the company's
reputation and social license to operate

Harness the power

of diversity and lead high performing teams.

Did you know that for employers to have the biggest impact on their people in 2024 and beyond – employee experience is critical to engage and retain the best talent. 68% of employees are looking for growth and development opportunities, 66% identify corporate social responsibility as a core value, 72% value employee wellbeing, 66% seek engagement and 67% of employees look for manager effectiveness and trust in leadership.

Diversity is a profit driver in companies. For companies that report above average diversity in their management teams, their revenue is 20% higher. Inclusion is now a competitive advantage in business.

Impact Business School is a change consultancy firm building resilient leaders who can manage the future of work. We are a world-class provider of learning solutions, consultants and executive coaches, who specialise in building inclusive workplaces. We drive systemic change and organisational performance through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion best practices. We are committed to forming strong relationships with our partners and delivering sustainable outcomes.

A story about Coach Patricia

Justin shares his experience on 1:1 Strategy Coaching with Patricia | Sydney, Australia